
Glass can be reused indefinitely. When separating glass, we distinguish between two different types: flat glass and bottle glass.

Flat glass includes windows, car windscreens and plate glass. Bottled glass includes jam jars and wine bottles. Bottle glass consists of 50 percent white glass and 50 percent coloured glass. Coloured glass itself consists of half green glass and half brown glass.

New windows can be made by combining old window glass and new glass. Bottle glass is first thoroughly cleaned in a process that uses magnets, laser and camera technology, and X-ray detectors. Labels, lids and corks are removed. After that, we can reuse it. You can find more information about the separation and recycling of glass on the Maltha website.

TV West made an interesting episode about the recycling of glass in the series ‘Johan is getting divorced!’ Watch the episode!

What can go into the glass container? Read about it on this handy poster!

Did you know...

That glass can be endlessly recycled? If people kept putting glass into the glass container, glass would never have to be made from new raw materials ever again.